AES 2023 Mobile App FAQs

How long is the mobile app available?
The mobile app is available until the end of the Digital Select viewing period (Monday, March 4, 2024).

How do I install the app on my phone?
Visit the mobile app webpage for download information.

Who do I contact for technical questions about the app (not downloading, etc.)?
If you are experiencing technical difficulties with the mobile app, please contact

Am I automatically logged in?
No. When you access content that is open only to those who have registered for AES 2023 (e.g., peer finder, posters, adding events to your calendar, etc.), you will be prompted to sign in with your AES credentials.

How do I log in?
When you access content that is open only to those who have registered for AES 2023 (e.g., peer finder, posters, adding events to your calendar, etc.), you will be prompted to sign in with your AES credentials.

Can I see the content of the mobile app on my computer?
Yes. Visit the full program page and your computer will redirect you to the desktop version of the mobile app.

How do I know there is a content update to content? How do I update to the most recent app content?
Tap the red banner at the top of the home screen to refresh the content of the mobile app. This banner will appear any time new content is available in the mobile app.

How do I find an educational session?
Enter any search term (title, keyword, speaker, etc.) in the search bar on the home screen.

How do I find sessions on a specific day?
From the home screen, tap “browse sessions by day” to see an itemized list of sessions on each day of AES 2023.

How do I search by type of session (symposia, SIG, special lecture, etc.)?
From the home screen, tap either “browse sessions by type” or the “program” tab at the bottom of the app. Tap the program session type of interest and the list will filter to only those results.

How do I find sessions that relate to specific content or demographics?
From the home screen, tap “browse sessions by day” and then select the filter button in the top right corner.

  • To find specific session types (e.g., special lecture, scientific exhibits, etc.), tap “program” in the filter and then select the session type of interest. Select as many items as desired and then click “done” to filter the results.
  • To find sessions relevant to a specific career stage (e.g., early, mid, or senior), tap “career stage” in the filter and then select the career stage of interest. Select as many items as desired and then click “done” to filter the results.
  • To find sessions relevant to a specific demographic (e.g., clinical, research, first-time attendees, young professionals), tap “demographics” in the filter and then select the demographic of interest. Select as many items as desired and then click “done” to filter the results.
  • To find sessions relevant to a specific professional role (e.g., APPs, advocates, nurses, pharmacists, etc.), tap “career stage” in the filter and then select the profession of interest. Select as many items as desired and then click “done” to filter the results.
  • To find sessions relevant to a specific content area (e.g., DEI, pediatrics, geriatrics, patient perspective), tap “session content and CE” in the filter and then select the CE of interest. Select as many items as desired and then click “done” to filter the results.


How do I find my session room?
The session room number is located on the session page in the mobile app on the right, approximately one-third from the top of the screen.

How do I know what time the session starts/ends?
The session’s start and end times are in the listings, on the session page in the mobile app, and on the schedule.

How do I know who is speaking in a session?
Presenters are listed on the session page in the mobile app, approximately one-third from the top of the screen. All presenters are listed in the “speakers” section as well. Tap the “hamburger” menu (three horizontal orange lines) at the top right of the app and search by name, city, state, employer, etc.

How do I know which sessions offer CE?
From the home screen, tap “browse sessions by day” and then select the filter button in the top right corner. From there, tap “session content and CE”. You can select CME, Nursing CE, and/or pharmacy CE. Select as many items as desired and then click “done” to filter the results.

How do I know which sessions will be available on-demand in the Digital Select product?
From the home screen, tap “browse sessions by day” and then select the filter button in the top right corner. From there, tap “session content and CE”. Select “Digital Select (On-Demand)”. Click “done” to filter the results.

When will the on-demand sessions be available?
Sessions included in the on-demand period (Digital Select) will be available by 6:00 PM CT on Tuesday, December 5, 2023.

How long will the on-demand session be available?
Sessions included in the on-demand period (Digital Select) will be available through Monday, March 4, 2024. 

How do I share a session with a colleague who is also attending?
On the session page in the mobile app, there is an icon on the left side under the orange bar that looks like a square with an up-pointing arrow. Tap that icon to share the session info via your mobile device’s sharing system (AirDrop, text message, email, etc.).

How do I bookmark a session?
On the session page in the mobile app, there are three icons on the right side under the orange bar. The second icon from the right looks like a gray bookmark with a green circle with a + inside. Tap that icon to bookmark the session. When it is bookmarked, the icon will turn orange and the green circle will host a check mark.

How do I take notes in the app during a session?
On the session page in the mobile app, there are three icons on the right side under the orange bar. The first icon on the right looks like a small gray piece of paper with a green circle with a + inside. Tap that icon to add notes to your session. When a note is added, the icon will turn orange and the green circle will host a check mark.

How do I add a session to my calendar?
On the session page in the mobile app, there are three icons on the right side under the orange bar. The third icon from the right looks like a small gray calendar with a green circle with a + inside. Tap that icon to add the session to your calendar. When it is added, the calendar will turn orange and the green circle will host a check mark.

Where can I find my calendar?
Tap on the “schedule” button at the bottom of the home screen. The event calendar is marked on each day in faded squares. You can tap on these squares to see which events are scheduled at that time on that date. If you have added sessions to your personal calendar in the app, those sessions will overlay the core event calendar in bold boxes on the scheduled date and time. You can remove this overlay by tapping the orange and gray icon in the gray bar that hosts the date at the top of the screen.

How do I export my calendar to sync with my Outlook calendar?
A: After you have added events to your calendar in the app, tap the “schedule” button at the bottom of the app. Next, tap the “hamburger” menu (three horizontal orange lines) at the top right of the app. Select “export schedule” from the list of options. From there, you can email a copy of the schedule in PDF and CSV files as well as iCal items for each session on your calendar.
***Please note: if a session is updated after an iCal file has been generated, the updated content will not be reflected on the Outlook calendar item.

Can I find other AES 2023 attendees in the mobile app?
Yes, through the Peer Finder feature. Tap either “peer finder” on the home page or “attendees” at the bottom of the app. From there, you can search for attendees by name, state, city, employer, or credential. If the attendee has opted into the Peer Finder feature, you will be able to see their profile.

Can I contact other AES attendees through the mobile app?
Yes. Once you find another person’s profile in the app, you can tap the conversation bubble icon in the upper left of the profile. This opens a messaging feature within the app. You can then send a message to that person.

How will they know I have contacted them?
If allowed, the mobile app will send a notification to the attendee that a message has been received.

How do I see my messages?
Tap the “more” icon (three horizontal dots) at the bottom right of the app. Next, click on “peer finder.” In the new screen, click on “view your messages.”

Can I see the email address of other attendees?
No. Direct contact information for attendees is confidential. The attendee will have to provide that information to you directly.

How can I easily share my contact information with other attendees in the mobile app?
In the mobile app, you can create a QR code to share your profile info with others. Tap the “more” icon (three horizontal dots) at the bottom right of the app. Then, tap “contacts.” From there, tap the “hamburger” menu (three horizonal orange lines) at the top right of the app. Select “display contact code” to show your personalized QR code. To receive another person’s profile, select “scan contact code” and the mobile device will open the camera to receive that information. Simply ensure the QR code is within the teal box within the camera.

How do I claim credit?
Evaluation and Credit Claim for the AES 2023 Annual Meeting will be available on the meeting website and mobile app on Friday, December 1, 2023. Evaluation and Credit Claim for the AES 2023 Digital Select (On-demand) will be available on the meeting website and mobile app on Tuesday, December 5, 2023. Click the “more” button on the app screen > click “About the Education” > click Evaluation and Credit Claim. Note: Please use your email address (used during event registration) and registration ID. 

Does it matter if I’m claiming live CE or on-demand CE?
Yes. Because live meeting participants will also have access to AES 2023 Digital Select (On-demand) on December 5, 2023 - March 4, 2024, it is important that only live credits attended (December 1-5, 2023) are claimed through the live credit claim link and the sessions attended in the on-demand period (December 5, 2023 – March 4, 2024) are claimed through the on-demand credit claim link.

How do I find the abstracts and posters?
Click the “more” button on the app screen and click “2023 Posters” in the list. The redirect link will ask you to sign in with your AES credentials. You’ll then see a screen with your AES information (name, address, email, and picture, if one is uploaded). You’ll be asked to click one of two buttons (below). Click the green “proceed” button to go to the posters and abstracts.

How do I search abstracts and posters?
Click this link for information about posters and abstracts (Cadmium navigation).

I see abstracts but no posters. When will posters be available?
Posters will be available at 8:00 AM Central on Friday, December 1, 2023.

How long will posters be available for viewing?
Posters are available Friday, December 1, 2023, through Monday, March 4, 2024.