Sep 5, 2023

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) Approve Medicare Specialty Code for Epileptologists

Dear Dr. Patel:

I am writing in response to a Medicare physician specialty code request submitted by you requesting a physician specialty code for epilepsy specialists, consistent with the process described in the Medicare Internet-Only Manual (IOM) Pub. 100-04, Medicare Claims Processing Manual, Chapter 26, Section 10.8.

After reviewing the information submitted with the request and based on our research, we are approving a unique specialty code for epilepsy specialists, "Epileptologists." This approval has been communicated to the operational divisions that will assign the new specialty code, develop appropriate system changes, and schedule implementation. Please note that the implementation process can take up to a year to complete. Additional information will be forthcoming including a transmittal and Medicare Learning Network article.

I appreciate your interest in the Medicare program and look forward to discussing topics of mutual interest in the future. I can be reached at (410) 786-9316 or via email at if you have any questions.


Gift Tee, Director
Division of Practitioner Services


Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services7500 Security Boulevard
Baltimore, Maryland 21244-1850

Manisha Patel
American Epilepsy Society
135 S. La Salle St., Suite 2850

Chicago, IL 60603